Parts Definition: Here is an index of the part abbreviations

We offer many parts for different year trucks ranging from the early 1930's to 1971 and in some cases up to 1985. Just a little history, Dodge ,Fargo, and Plymouth trucks were known to make a lot of changes from year to year and so some parts may or may not be correct on certain years or models. So it is very important to know the correct year and model of your truck. Reading the information in the parts is important. We have tried to create our website as easy as possible and describe the parts the best we can. You may always email us if questions arise . All of our part numbers begin with a letter or letters which may be good information to know . We added this info below.

"B" = Body Parts
"BK" = Bolt Kits
"BP" = Box Parts
"BR" = Brake Parts
"BS" = Bearing and Seals
"C" = Cooling
"CC" = Clutch Components
"DA" = Draft and Air seals
"E" = Engine Parts
"EG" = Engine Gaskets
"ENG" = Internal Engine parts
"EX" = Exhaust parts
"F" = Fuel

"G" = Gauges
"GL" = Glass
"I" = Interior
"ID" = Identification
"ING" = Ignition
"L" = Literature
"LE" = Lighting and Electrical
"RP" = Repair or Replacement panel
"RW" = Rubber and Weather seals
"S" = Suspension
"TL" = Tools
"UJ" = Universals Joints
"W" = Wiper parts